Contact Us
The independent directory of businesses & local information!
Our business centres around getting you more business. This is what it has always been and what it will always be.
Everything we do, from sourcing interesting editorial to ensuring there’s plenty of space made for local events, is all geared towards ensuring that each months magazine is interesting and that your advert has a higher chance of being seen.
I started this business as I noticed that there were limited opportunities for small business to advertise in an affordable way. No one wants to spend hundreds to advertise to the whole of Derby when you perhaps just want business in Allestree. What a waste and so much harder to gain a good return on your investment.
So, in 2005 our first magazine was launched – Hilton & Dove Valley Life!
We have gained many insights and so much experience since we started, and we are always happy to offer advice on what might suit your business.
We want your adverts to work for you, so we will not pressure you and we will not oversell an advert that is either too big or indeed not enough.
We know that our advertisers are small business, like us, (most of the time) and we appreciate that you don’t have a different department for every business function.
So, we can offer you:
• Advert design
• Monthly payments
• Payments can be made by card, cheque, BACS and we can also offer Direct Debit facility with GoCardless.
For an informal chat about how we can help your business reach more customers, please call on 01332 416242 or email: [email protected]
Warwick Directories Ltd
7 Mill Fleam
DE65 5HE
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44(0) 1332 416 242